Bingo 101 card game guide to play


Bingo, commonly known as Binggao in Cantonese and translated bingo in Mandarin, is a multiplayer game. The gameplay is simple and easy to understand, making it suitable for people of all ages. Whether it's family gatherings, community events, or online platforms, Bingo is a popular game. In this article, I will introduce the basic gameplay of Bino, the historical background and the changes in the culture, and explain in detail the standard gameplay of American Bingo and the setting of Bingo cards to determine the winner.


The basic gameplay of Bingo


Historical Context

The history of Bingo can be traced back to the 16th century in Italy. At that time, there was a game called "Il Gioco del Lotto d'Italia", which was similar to the modern Bino. The game later spread to France and became a pastime among the aristocracy. In the 19th century, Bingo spread to the United Kingdom and the United States, and gradually developed into the familiar form of the game today.


Basic rules


The basic rules of Bingo are very simple. Each participant will be presented with a Bingo card with a 5x5 grid on it. Each grid is randomly filled with a number, except for the middle box which is wild (i.e. there is no need to fill in the number). The game host will randomly draw the numbers and announce them. Participants are required to mark their Bingo cards with the numbers on them. The fastest side to mark any of the 5 straight lines (which can be horizontal, vertical or diagonal) on its own card wins.


 The standard game of American Bingo


Set up a Bingo card


The American Bingo card is a 5x5 grid with a total of 24 numbers in the same wild grid. The range of numbers on each row is as follows:


- Column B: 1-15

- Column I: 16-30

- Row N: 31-45 (Middle)

- Column G: 46-60

- Column O: 61-75


For example:



B  |  I  |  N  |  G  |  O


5  | 18  | 31  | 55  | 72

10  | 20  | 32  | 48  | 66

7  | 25  | FREE| 51  | 73

12  | 21  | 44  | 53  | 69

2  | 29  | 39  | 57  | 64



Draw the numbers


The host of the game will use a 75-number draw machine or bag to randomly draw the numbers and announce them. For example: "B5", "I18", "N31", etc. Participants are required to mark their Bingo card with the number on it.


Confirm the winner


When the participant marks any of the 5 lines (which can be horizontal, vertical or diagonal), they need to shout "Bingo!". 」。 The host will check his Bingo card to make sure that his mark is correct and the participant will be the winner. The game can continue until more winners emerge or a new round can be restarted.


 It is not the same as the cultural changes


Bingo has not had the same cultural inception. For example:


Bingo in the UK: The Bingo card in the UK consists of 3 rows and 9 columns, each row has 5 numbers and 4 spaces, and the number range is 1-90.

Bingo Japan: In Japan, patterns or letters are sometimes used instead of numbers to spice things up.

Online Bino: With the development of technology, the online Bingo platform has become more and more popular, allowing participants to be with friends or strangers anytime, anywhere


Different versions of Bingo gameplay

Bingo is a very popular multiplayer game that is simple and fun to play. Although the daily mention of Bingo usually refers to the American Bingo (75-ball Bingo), there are actually many different versions of Bingo, each with its own unique rules and characteristics. In this article, I will introduce the main Bingo games, such as UK Bingo, 75-ball Bingo and 90-ball Bingo and explain the rules and characteristics of each game. 

1. 美式Bingo(75-ball Bingo)

Basic rules

American Bingo, often referred to as 75-ball Bingo, is one of the most common Bingo games. The Bingo card is a 5x5 grid with a total of 24 numbers in the same wild grid (FREE). Each column has its own range of numbers

Column B: 1-15

Column I: 16-30

N columns: 31-45 (in the middle of the game).

Column G: 46-60

Column O: 61-75

Game flow

The host of the game will randomly draw 75 numbers and announce them one by one. Participants are required to mark their Bingo card with the number on it. When a participant marks any of the 5 lines (horizontal, vertical, or diagonal), they can shout "Bingo!". 」。 The game host checks his Bingo card and confirms that it is correct, and the participant becomes the winner. 


The grid is small and easy to mark

Wild grid increases the chances of winning

Good for quick play

2. 英式Bingo(90-ball Bingo)

Basic rules

The British Bingo is also known as 90-ball Bingo and is the most common Bingo game in the UK. The Bingo Card is a 3-row, 9-column grid with 5 numbers and 4 spaces in each row, for a total of 15 numbers. Numbers range from 1 to 90. 

Game flow

The host of the game will randomly draw 90 numbers and announce them one by one. Participants are required to mark their Bingo card with the number on it. There are three ways to win in British Bino:

Single line: All 5 digits in any row are marked.

Double Row: All 5 numbers in any two rows are marked.

Full House:全部15個數字被標記。


The cards are larger and the game time is longer

There are multiple ways to win, adding variety

Perfect for large gatherings or long gaming sessions

3. European Bino

Basic rules

The European style Bingo is usually a variant of the 75-ball Bingo and the 90-ball Bingo. Most of their card designs and numeric ranges follow American or British Bingo styles, but more variations will be added, and different patterns or themes may be used. 

Game flow

Similar to American or British Bingo, the host of the game will randomly draw numbers, and participants will need to mark the number on their Bingo card. European Bingo will add more ways to win, such as a specific pattern, four corners, or numbers in a specific position will be marked.


Varied and varied

It can be customized according to the theme

Ideal for creative games and special events


Although the basic rules of Bingo are simple, the gameplay of different versions of Bingo is full of variations, and each game has its own unique charm. Whether you're looking for quick and easy American Bino, a British Bingo with a multi-win challenge, or a European Bingo with unlimited creativity, you'll have fun with the game. Hopefully, this introduction will give you a better understanding of Bingo